Academic Genealogy: Johann Friedrich Pfaff --> Carl Friedrich Gauss --> Christian Ludwig Gerling --> Julius Plücker --> Felix C. Klein --> Ferdinand von Lindemann --> Arnold Sommerfeld --> Hans Bethe --> Robert Marshak --> Rabindra Mohapatra --> Alok Kumar --> Chandrasekhar Bhamidipati --> Aritra Ghosh
I am Aritra Ghosh, a theoretical and mathematical physicist with a wide array of interests, including quantum optics, open quantum systems, non-Hermitian systems, exactly-solvable models in classical and quantum mechanics, integrable systems, semi-classical gravity, and differential-geometric techniques in physics.
I received my PhD in 2025 from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar in India where my research was funded by the Prime Minister's Research Fellowship.
I am about to join the Rochester Institute of Technology to work on problems of theoretical quantum optics and light-matter interaction.
More about my research can be found here.
A complete list of my publications (and preprints) can be found here or from either of the links given below: